Sunday, August 9, 2015

Raspberry pi NOOBS installation

Step-by-step guide to noobs installation on SD card


1. A formatted(fat32) miscro SD card > 4GB
2. Download NOOBS zip file from raspberry pi site (for Offline and network installing).
3. Extract the contents of the zip file to an empty folder (You can also extract directly to SD card, in that case skip the next step)

4. Navigate to the folder where you extracted the contents of the zip file, copy and paste them to SD card (Don't copy the folder, copy the contents inside)
5. Insert SD card into raspberry pi and power it on.
6. On boot, you should see a list of OSes for installation.

My journey with raspberry pi

I'm hooked on to raspberry pi recently. I'm not an expert but I'll post my experiments, experiences and learning here.

About a month ago, I bought raspberry pi 2. In this time, I tried Raspbian, OpenELEC, set up a media center run by OSMC. My experience so far has been satisfactory. In future I want to do much more.

In the next post, we'll see how to install NOOBS, there's enough information on already, but my aim is to maintain all my learning in this space.